• Blog, Inside PF

  • PF Peeps: Acquaint Yourself With Kelly

    January 20, 2018 | About a 3 min read

    Blog, Inside PF

    PF Peeps: Acquaint Yourself With Kelly

    By Pathfinders Advertising
    January 20, 2018
    About a 3 MIN read

    Kelly begins each day with passion.  His co-workers describe him as tenacious and excitable – and report that there is never a problem hearing him speak to a group. He came to Pathfinders with intentions of bringing technology to the forefront and envisions digital devices being integrated into our everyday environment rather than as a barrier to personal interaction.

    We appreciate his contributions and are confident that Pathfinders will be relevant in marketing strategies for years to come thanks to his efforts and vision.

    At Work

    What causes you to grow the most at Pathfinders?

    The team around me. We push each other to be better every day, and that makes me a better client advocate and team member.

    What have you learned from working with a client?

    Being a good listener will always rule the day. I’ve also learned the reasons why it is best to fill a cavity with a glass ionomer vs. a composite resin.

    What makes for great design?

    Stick to the basic philosophy of making it simple, clear, and organized.

    Perfect happiness in the workplace?

    Love the work. Love your team. Love your life.

    What is special about working in an advertising & marketing agency in Mishawaka?

    The work/life balance here is hard to beat and the office space is great. Plus, the summers around here are amazing.

    At Play

    Favorite movies?

    Pride and Prejudice (yes), The Notebook (uh huh), It’s a Wonderful Life (classic), Inception, Interstellar

    Favorite food?

    Anything my wife, Amy, creates (seriously).

    Favorite activity?

    Wakeboarding, spending time with family, biking.

    Favorite books?

    I love historical fiction, but also have a few staples that I’ve read multiple times like Harry Potter V, VI, VII, and Atlas Shrugged.

    Your most treasured accomplishment?

    Convincing my wife to marry me, and our three kids – Caroline, Clark, and Bridget.

    You may not know…

    Hidden talents?

    I was a Spanish major in college and every once in a while I get to showcase my skills.

    First professional job as a college graduate?

    I worked with Hyatt Hotels in the Chicago area, which definitely taught me how to work hard and stay focused.

    Lasting sports activities?

    My wife Amy and I were both college swimmers and met during summer training. I still swim and enjoy water sports. I have consistently enjoyed soccer activities and currently coach soccer teams for my kids.

    Favorite vacation activity?

    I enjoy being active on vacation – and choose destinations based on how active they are. We took the family to Arizona this spring to hike and I convinced Amy to ride bikes in Vermont to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary.

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    Moreover, active communities often foster a sense of camaraderie among residents, contributing to a supportive and engaging environment. Families looking to relocate can benefit from areas where they can connect with like-minded individuals who value health and outdoor activities.

    Anything special you like to wear?

    My daughter Caroline once described me as dressing like a prince. I like to wear bright colors, am often seen with a bow tie – and even have a costume or two I pull out when warranted.

    What is your motto?

    Do what you say you’re going to do, do it when you say you’re going to do it, and do it to the best of your ability every time. (Thanks to Mr. Jim Tallman)

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