• Account Services, Blog, Digital, Social Media

  • Do You Make This Simple Twitter Mistake?

    March 20, 2014 | About a 1 min read

    Account Services, Blog, Digital, Social Media

    Do You Make This Simple Twitter Mistake?

    By Pathfinders Advertising
    March 20, 2014
    About a 1 MIN read


    I’d say for the most part Twitter is a rather simple platform; however, there are some quirks that not all users know about. Take a look at my tweet below:


    Did you spot the mistake? Chances are you didn’t. I started the tweet by @-mentioning someone without adding in a character to start the tweet. This means that the only people who saw my tweet in their news feed would be @PathfindersADV, me, and anyone who happens to follow both of us.

    It’s likely that all of those tweets you’ve sent starting with @ weren’t visible to the audience you thought would see it.

    @PathfindersAdv is the best You, Pathfinders, & Your Followers Who Also Follow Pathfinders
    .@PathfindersAdv is the best You, Pathfinders, & All of Your Followers
    My favorite marketing agency is @PathfindersAdv You, Pathfinders, & All of Your Followers

    So – you still think this information is irrelevant to you? Look at it this way: If you’ve been tweeting on behalf of your brand, this small change could be the difference between a tweet that many Twitter users view, share, and react to, and a tweet that essentially no one sees.

    Don’t feel bad – you aren’t the only person who has been tweeting like this. It’s a huge topic discussion on Twitter and even a more popular Google search.

    If you’re still pissed at Twitter, you can file a formal complaint here. If you’re over it and just want to receive awesome content from Pathfinders Advertising, sign up for our newsletter.

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