• Blog, Copy/Copywriting, Digital, Marketing

  • Learn How Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Your Business

    October 19, 2023 | About a 3 min read

    Blog, Copy/Copywriting, Digital, Marketing

    Learn How Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Your Business

    By Pathfinders Advertising
    October 19, 2023
    About a 3 MIN read

    Artificial Intelligence. It’s one of the hottest topics of conversation today. What is it? What does it do? More importantly, what does it mean for the future of your business?

    For business leaders, learning, understanding, and applying the capabilities and benefits offered by AI can better position your company for success.

    Specifically, the capabilities and benefits offered by generative AI, especially what’s known as Generative Pre-trained Transformer, or GPT. They can have an enormous impact on your company’s productivity and innovation, so let’s take a look at their potential applications – and their limitations.


    Generative AI is a branch of AI that focuses on the creation of models and systems capable of generating new content, such as copy, images, or layouts, based on learned patterns and data.

    It can analyze vast amounts of data, and then applies AI methods like deep learning and neural networks to extract meaningful patterns from it.

    What makes this unique is the outputs from generative AI appear like they could have been created by a person.


    GPT is a type of generative AI that excels in a wide range of language-related communication tasks, such as translation, text summarization, content generation, copywriting, information extraction, and more. Its ability to process and understand human language makes it a valuable tool for marketers.

    Here are seven business applications where GPT could benefit your company:

    1. Generate Text and Content: GPT can assist in generating high-quality text and content such as marketing materials, blog posts, and social media updates.
    2. Execute Qualitative Analysis: GPT can analyze qualitative data, such as customer feedback or survey responses, helping leaders gain valuable insights and identify patterns.
    3. Provide Editorial Assistance: GPT can offer editorial support by assisting with copyediting, revisions, and proofreading tasks, ensuring polished and professional communication.
    4. Summarize Detailed Notes: GPT can summarize lengthy notes from meetings, calls, interviews, or research documents, providing concise overviews for easy reference.
    5. Gather Initial Research: GPT can gather relevant information efficiently and quickly compile initial research on specific topics.
    6. Create Briefing Documents: GPT can generate overview or briefing documents about clients, competitors, customers, or potential partner companies, which can aid in decision-making processes.
    7. Generating Imagery and Non-text Media: GPT can be used to generate images, visual content, and other non-text media elements, supporting visual communication needs.


    While GPT models offer impressive capabilities, you need to be aware of some limitations.

    1. Lack of Understanding: GPT models generate coherent and contextually appropriate text based on patterns and statistical properties of language. However, they lack a deep understanding of the content.
    2. Repetition: GPT models can sometimes produce unnecessarily long-winded or repetitive copy, favoring lengthy outputs to maximize the likelihood of providing correct information.
    3. Bias: GPT models may inherit and transmit biases present in the training data, including gender, racial, or political biases, as they are trained on large-scale text data from the internet.
    4. Unreliable Factual Accuracy: GPT models may generate copy containing incorrect or outdated information. This is because they do not possess the ability to fact-check or verify the vast amount of information that they rely on.


    While GPT can streamline processes, automate tasks, and generate valuable content, it’s important to remember it’s also a tool requiring careful training and human oversight to ensure effective and responsible use within your company.

    You can’t place blind trust in its outputs. Human expertise, fact-checking, and critical thinking remain vital for verifying information and addressing potential biases or inaccuracies.

    By harnessing GPT’s strengths while acknowledging its limitations, you can leverage this powerful AI tool effectively to drive innovation and continued success for your business.

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